administered by 'Exclusive Hosting'

Semi dedicated prices

Having more redundant provisions and sovereignty for your web pages is always a glorious possibility. The semi dedicated hosting server solutions provided by Exclusive Hosting are thoroughly equipped with everything more sizable web sites would request for faster website speeds under serious web traffic conditions. Juxtaposed with virtual server packages, the semi-dedicated server web hosting services also offer unmetered domain name web hosting opportunities, but provide a lot more central processing unit and semi-dedicated server independence, because of the fewer account holders availing of the very same quite rock-solid web hosting server. Besides, you still have the semi-dedicated server industry’s finest hosting CP - Hepsia. As a standard accessory, at no additional expense. You will greatly estimate the drag & drop File Manager, the Domain Manager and the Email Manager, the Single-click Script Installation Tool and the Site Installation Tool devices.

Plan Details Rocket Shuttle
Monthly Price
Server Disk Space Unlimited Unlimited
Bandwidth Unlimited Unlimited
Maximum Server CPU Limit 100% 200%
MySQL Queries 90 000 / hour 130 000 / hour
MySQL Databases Unlimited Unlimited
MySQL Space Unlimited Unlimited
Dedicated IP Addresses
Hosted Hostnames Unlimited Unlimited
Email Mailboxes Unlimited Unlimited
FTPs Unlimited Unlimited
Single-click Script Installation Tool
Site Installation Tool
Free Web Design Themes
Uninterrupted Web Service Operation